What is Oral Cancer: Causes and Prevention

According to a report published, about 5 people in India die every hour per day from oral cancer and other similar types of cancer. The oral or mouth cancer can be identified as a condition in which cancerous tumors develop in any part of the oral cavity and can develop on areas such as lips, gums, roof, tongue,and floor of the mouth along with the inner lining of the cheeks. The dentists at the best dental hospital in Jaipur emphasizes the identification of some common symptoms such as soreness in the lip or mouth, loosening of teeth, difficulty in swallowing and growth of lump, pain in ear and mouth, or most dangerous tumor inside the mouth.

Major risk factors for oral cancer

Oral cancer in India accounts for about 30% of all types of cancer and around 20 per 100000 population
are affected by oral cancer. By adopting better or healthy lifestyle choices can help in reducing this cancer.
Have a look on some of these most commonly identified factors that can trigger the risk of oral cancer.
Dentist in Jaipur

Highly use of Tobacco

Highly use of Tobacco is one of the major risk factors and can be recognized as factors that enhance the
possibilities of developing cancer. Tobacco intake includes a wide range of substances such as cigarettes
, cigars, and pipes. Further, Chewing tobacco is considered one of the largest and widely accepted causes
of the mouth, head and neck cancer. During chewing tobacco, your cheeks, the inner surface of the lips and
gums are in direct contact with tobacco and thus, these areas are severely affected in mouth cancer.

Too Much Intake of Alcohol

According to reports and surveys, too much intake of alcohol is the second most important factor responsible
for oral cancer. A large population consumes alcohol regularly along with tobacco that can increase the risk
to the manifold. The heavy consumption of alcohol is injurious to health and consuming alcohol is a major
cause for head and neck cancer and thus, you should try to avoid alcohol or should have a limited intake of it.

Bad Oral health care

Although these might not be directly responsible for the occurrence of oral cancer but have the potential to
influence the development of cancer. According to top dentists, the major factors to be considered under this
include poorly fitting dentures that adversely impact your teeth. Most of us failed to maintain proper oral hygiene
which enhances the risk of cancer of the oral cavity. 

Prevention for Optimum Oral Health

The best suggestion by the experienced dental surgeons at the dental hospital in Jaipur is completely avoiding
and restrict the usage of tobacco products that causes the risk factor for cancer of the mouth.